Friday, September 1, 2017

2017 Sep 26 - Mowing and Yard Work

What a busy day.

I managed to get up as early as possible - ok it was 9:30. But after the past few days and late nights and lots of travel; that was a decent hour. :)

Chaos and I went outside (no I didn't eat breakfast, and no coffee) and I started mowing the grass. When I walked out I realized it might rain on my parade. I walked back in and checked the radar and rain storm, just north of me. Sigh. I didn't see any yellow or red, so thought I'd try to get as much mowed as I could.

This year we've had a lot of rain and the grass is really thick. I've been cutting the grass on a lower level (mowing deck) of 2 or 3 to keep it the same height as the neighbors. This has caused me to have a lot of grass that I mowed into circles on the back lawn. I mowed the grass with the deck up as high as possible today. Then, I raked the 3 circles until all the grass old and new was up and placed it in the yard waste bin. I also pulled wild grape vines out of the ground in the flower beds, the asparagus bed, etc. I need to put weed killer out on the driveway (Sunday?) and wash down the carport.

Megan has been kind enough to check out a friend of hers who mows lawns, and he said he'd mow our lawn for $35.00. She doesn't take in consideration that, that amount is each week. That would be great if I had an extra $35.00 a week. However, that is the gas money. I'm thankful she was thinking of me though. As I get older, mowing the grass is more of a chore. However, I truly do love working outside.

I lucked up as the rain never came and I was able to finish the grass.

I also pulled up the wild grape vines, picked up the persimmons (the tree is FULL this year), and cleaned out the asparagus garden. This garden has asparagus and onion chives, all located in a child's plastic tub boat. It was Megan's pool for a while, and after I purchased another pool, it was her sand box. I liked it as a sandbox as it has a top (looks like a turtle), and keeps the critters out. I'd cleaned out the weeds and grass out of the tug boat garden earlier in the summer, and the asparagus thanked me by growing and seeding out again. The yard bin is now filled up to the brim, and I'm seriously tired. But it's a good tired and my yard looks decent.

After I finished, I went in for a shower. Then after dressing, left to meet Mom at Outback. Her 'Old Lady' friends took her out for dinner for her 75th birthday. She invited me, but I met her so I could get some food from her. Since the cancer treatments, she doesn't eat as much so she makes food and shares with me.

Then, I went to get Chaos and Max kitty some pet food. Home, ate dinner and then hung around the house. I'm seriously tired, so no energy to do anything.

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