Friday, September 29, 2017

1985 - Washington DC

I think we had gone to a college friends wedding in the DC area. On the way back, we got on a subway and traveled into DC proper and did some sight seeing. We were only there for the day, so Lee and I just walked around.

The Whitehouse - It's beautiful!

Me and President Ronald Reagan:
This is my favorite picture. It looks like I'm standing with President Ronald Reagan. When I was upset with Lee B, I cut him out of the picture. Hate I did that now. Just because he had to go off and search for himself....breaking my heart, I'm pretty sure I'm over it (and have been for a long time...LOL) Love it. Ronny looks like he is saying "Well......" and going off on a long story.

The Washington Monument
As one can tell from the majority of the pictures, we just walked around instead of going up close or going into the actual monuments. That and its been a really long time so I'm not sure what I did go see and what I didn't. I want to go back sometime soon. I actually had a chance to go next weekend (Columbus Day Holiday) for a ServiceNow Meeting. My car won't make it that far and I didn't relish the idea of going alone. Since I'm not going, two of my coworkers are going and I wish they'd offer for me to go with them. C and I could have shared a room. She probably wouldn't mind. Bank holidays are very special to me too. If I went, I would go up early on Monday so I could do the tourist thing. I'm sure my camera is much better than the film camera I had in 1985, even my phone camera is better. :)

The Capital Building - Theatrical Politics at it's worst.
Who would think this building would house some of the worst of the worst people in the world. Greedy, selfish people who are only there to make themselves more rich and powerful. This is my thoughts of today (2017). I didn't think of politics much then, but I hate politics and most uber liberal politicians.

Lee taking a rest. We'd been in the DC area for a few days. Joyce F had gotten married and we'd gone to her wedding. We stayed at a hotel with Gail, and Anna (Honya). Joyce worked at a place called "Stombolies". It was my first Italian Stromboli food. HA HA. I ate that and antipasta salads. I ate so much of that (it's really heavy food) and then we go to the wedding and the food at the wedding is....Stromoli's. LOL. I was in some pain for a while.

Jefferson Memorial

Smithsonian Museum (One of them)

Lincoln Memorial

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