Sunday, September 17, 2017

2017 Sep 17 - The Scare

I love to go visit my father on the weekends. He likes to sit on the porch at the farmhouse and read the newspaper, and just watch the traffic go by. My cousin Susie will come by to visit him on Sundays and they like to talk ancestors and stories. I love it!

I took K with me and after we'd been there for a while, Dad stated he was hungry. I asked if he'd like for me to go get him something to eat. I left and went to the next town over and purchased some hamburger steak for us all. K hadn't slept much and was kind of rotten, so I figured if I put her in the car she'd nap there and back. She was asleep before we got out of the driveway.

There was a state trooper who was pulling cars that went through town as the speed limit in town is 35 and outside of town is 55. He'd stopped a guy just beyond Dad's house in the old Landscaping company parking lot. Then, when I got to town, he had someone else pulled right in front of the 55 MPH speed limit sign.

When I got to the next town, I was riding along with the windows partially down, and someone shot a pistol really close to the road. I was freaking out. I didn't hear anything hit the car and I was worried that K was hurt. I stopped as soon as I could and reassessed to make sure she was ok. This is hard when she's sleeping but the gun was not fired in my direction. Freaking scared the mess out of me. UGH! #CountryLifestopshooting!

When I drove back to the farmhouse, I drove in the driveway and instead of parking there, I drove all the way around the house and parked the car in front of the porch. I left the doors wide open so K could sleep a little longer. She woke up just before I was finished eating. I got her out and fed her some green beans and creamed potatoes which she loves. She was still cranky and it was starting to get dark. I put her back in the car and brought her home. Again, she fell asleep before we got out of the driveway. I hope the mosquito bites on her legs were not from me leaving her in the car. They weren't biting me. I think she got them yesterday at daycare when they went out.

We got back home safely and now I'm tired.

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