Friday, September 15, 2017

1964- Suffolk, Virginia - "One for the Den...."

We lived off Hwy 58 in Virginia (in town) near Henry Street.

We always had family living with or near us, even when we were in Virginia. My Uncle Leroy/Aunt Sally; and their kids Timmy and Kim lived with us for a while in Virginia. Later they moved to Smithfield Virginia, which is within 30 or 40 minutes from us. Dad and Uncle Leroy worked at Orkin together.

One Christmas, there was a Christmas Party. I was young, so about 1964 or so. Mom didn't go to the party. I think Dad was worried that Mom would be exposed to some ugly behavior (think Madmen for blue collar workers....) so she stayed home with me. They didn't stay long at the party, because I was still awake when they returned.

Dad was given a pint mason jar of eggnog with whiskey in it, assuming from the Orkin Management. Dad sat it on the kitchen table. I spied it on the table and I looooooovvvvveed me some milk. So, while everyone was in the den talking, I pulled up my chair to the table, and drank some of the "milk" out of the jar. I know I didn't drink much as I remember it tasted funny. It must have been a sip or two or three at the most.

Within a few minutes I had a healthy buzz. I walked into the den and was falling down and giggling. I was slurring (as a toddler, how did they know?) and was for all intents and purposes...tipsy. My parents figured it out pretty quickly and they watched me for the rest of the evening. I'm pretty sure it was the best sleep I ever had as a toddler. LOL!

My Granddaughter loves milk. She doesn't want juice or anything like that when she's home. "Milk", or "Milk please?" is all I hear all day. I worry about too much protein, but the kid got her love of milk from me.

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