Tuesday, August 22, 2017

2017 Aug 22 - Eclipse - March 7th, 1970 & Aug 21, 2017

We moved back to Rocky Mount NC in the summer of 1969. I wanted to cry as I loved living in Suffolk Virginia. To come back to this God forsaken bass ackwards hell of a town was hearbreaking. I always told my parents they brought me from an enlightened school system with children who were friendly and kind, to a 3rd world country where children were cruel, heartless and cliquish as hell.

I started school the Fall of 1970 at Williford School. I don't remember my teachers name, but I'm pretty sure her last name was Hitler. She was so strict and allowed no one to speak. I can remember how tiring it was to try to be at attention every minute of the day. I could cry from relief when leaving school for the day. Well, I did cry just about every day because we had moved to this hell hole. I was told years later, that first year I cried every single day I went to school.

The children were a special kind of sick. I realize in today's time, that I was probably bullied as much as any of the whacked out serial killers of today are. I'm amazed that I'm slightly normal. We are having our 40th school reunion in the next year and honestly I could hardly believe when one of the ladies I went to school with told the current president of our reunion group that she probably wouldn't go, as her High School experience wasn't the happiest. She seemed normal. My life was one pit fall after another. Trying to stay invisible at best. Never comfortable in my own skin. If I ever did believe in my self, my looks, there was always someone in the next period to bring me down a notch. Oh well - their loss.

I digress.

The Eclipse of 3/7/1970.

I remember the eclipse. We'd taken time to create a shoe box viewer to save our eyesight. You would look in this box with your back to the son to be able to see the eclipse without damaging your eyesight. It was a Saturday. I remember it getting darker and darker and the birds singing their night songs as they prepared to roost. It was an eerie feeling as it got darker in the middle of the day. When at it's darkest I went inside and spent the rest of the time watching the eclipse on TV. :) Walter Cronkite was my favorite newsman. GAWD I miss him with the mess of 'media' personalities that we have now. Feelings reign and laws are being overthrown, along with our rights. Again, I digress.

I was lucky enough to enjoy another eclipse yesterday 8/21/2017. I was at work and had made 4 of the cereal viewing boxes for me and my peers. They didn't work so well, but ok.... One of my friends had glasses and we shared them. Shereadder took the glasses and placed them over her phone and then took video. It looked good. Reminds me, I'd like to have a copy of that. I love being able to have media (pictures, video) as digital (in some aspects). There are some evils with social media and digital technology, but there are some good things also. Here are some of my favorite pictures taken (some look like they could have been photo shopped) of the eclipse on 7/21/2017.

Eclipse at the Beach:

Eclipse at Nashville TN:

Eclipse - Fort Bragg Soldiers Jumping:

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