Friday, September 29, 2017

Edgecombe County, NC - Deeds - Varnell (Jim) & Sharp (Theresa) to Webb & Phillips, 1916

Edgecombe County, NC - Deeds - Varnell & Sharp to Webb & Phillips, 1916


North Carolina
Edgecombe County

This deed made this 12th day of December 1916 by James Varnell, Trustee of
Edgecombe county, North Carolina and Theresa Sharp of Wilson County, North
Carolina parties of the first part to Essex Webb, Kinchin Webb, Jet Webb,
Earnest Webb, Roney Webb, Oscar Webb, Bettie Phillips, and Elwell Webb
of Edgecombe County, North Carolina parties of the second part, Witnesseth:

That Whereas in the last will and Testament of William Varnell that appears
by will in Book H pages 415, 416, and 417 of the Edgecombe County Registry
the said William Varnell devised the tract of land hereinafter described to
James Varnell Trustee for the use and benefit of Theresa Sharp; and Where
under the terms of said will it was provided that upon the death of Wiley G.
Sharp, husband of Theresa Sharp the said James Varnell should convey the
said land unto the said Theresa Sharp; and Whereas the said Wiley G. Sharp
is now dead
and the said Theresa Sharp desires to convey said tract of land
to the parties of the second part.

Now therefore in consideration of the premises and of the sum of Thirty-One
Hundred Dollars ($3100.00) in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged the said parties of the first part have bargained sold and
conveyed and do by these presents bargain sell and convey unto the said
parties of the second part their heirs and assigns, that certain tract or
parcel of land in No. 9 Township Edgecombe County, North Carolina adjoining
the lands of Frank Webb on the East, Elwell Webb on the south, and John
Wallace on the West, and North containing 60 acres more or less and being
the tract of land described in Item 8 of the last Will and Testament of
William Varnell which is recorded in Will Book H pages 415, 416, and 417
in the Clerks Office of Edgecombe County to which will reference is made
for a more definite description.

To Have And To Hold the above described tract of land to them, the said
parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns.

And the said parties of the first part for themselves their heirs and
personal representatives covenant to and with the said parties of the
second part their heirs and assigns that they are the owners in fee and
have the right to convey the above described tract of land in fee simple;
that the same is free and clear of any and all encumbrances whatsoever,
and that they will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
against the lawful claims or claims of any and all persons whomsoever.

In Witness Whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set
their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

James Varnell (SEAL)

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