Tuesday, September 19, 2017

1962 Suffolk Virginia - 3 Black Cats

3 Black Cats

3 Black Cats was the name of a community outside Suffolk, Virginia. There is a "Y" intersection where Hwy 13 / Whaleyville Blvd and Hwy 32 / Carolina Blvd intersect.

Our house was the 3rd house on the left side of Whaleyville Rd, which is the road on the right of the "Y" intersection. In the picture above, I believe our house was where the empty lot between the blue house and trailer is now. Most of the houses on that road looked like the blue house, which I'm almost certain was there when we lived there. The blue house is where the Riddick family resided. They are the family I've heard lots of stories about. They had a young daughter who baby-sat me; and the family gave my parents the high chair that is located in my bedroom now, I use it as a nightstand. Unlike those high chairs of today, this is a wooden one. I remember having a scarf or towel tied around me to keep me upright. My sister also used this chair.

Three black cats was smack dab in the middle of the "Y" intersection. I've always thought it was super cool name. And any mention of our location was "Out at 3 black cats". There was a bar / local hangout located at the apex of the "Y" intersection named 3 Black Cats. The bar was a clapboard building that had a good sized detached shelter. The shelter had a sign on it of 3 black cats (facing away) sitting on a board looking at the sun. Nothing fancy. I have to say, it's one of the coolest names of communities where we've lived. I'm sure Dad thought it was cool to be able to go over and drink a beer after mowing grass, yard work.

Why did Charlotte cross the road?
I was 2 years old when we lived here. I remember I was 2 years old because I got in trouble while living there. The road we lived on was an extremely busy country road. I was warned to NEVER go out to the road, I'm sure several times. Silly me, walked down the driveway and stood there looking at traffic go by. When nothing was coming in either direction, I bravely walked across the road and stood beside the mailbox. It was then I became terrified and knew if I was stupid enough (twice) to walk back across the road, I would probably die. I wonder how I was so logical (well not the 1st time across the road) and I can remember thinking these things through. Are you supposed to think this way when you're two and are you supposed to remember it??? Well, maybe I remembered it because I knew I'd get a spanking (I did). I stood out beside that mailbox and cried and cried and in a few moments, a family friend Ervin or James Lantham, saw me from the window and she ran out to get me. Dad was unable to come and get me as he was in bed with a collapsed lung. I know I got a spanking. I know I deserved it.

The Farmer Says....

I do remember Dad being in the bed with a collapsed lung. One of those confusing moments with children. I was either standing beside the bed or Mom had placed me on the bed beside Dad. I wasn't used to seeing him in the bed during the day. I had one of those 'See and Say" toys. It was round and had a spinning arrow in the middle of it, and whatever the point was on (animals), when you pulled the string, it would say "This is a PIG. The Pig says Oink Oink", or "This is a Cow. The Cow says MOOOOO". Dad was making small talk with me and asked me what I had and, then said 'Show it to me". He was lying down and I was having a very hard time (at 2 years old) trying to figure out how to get it to his face where he could see it. I ended up hitting him in the mouth with it and busted his lip. I then got another spanking by him....even sick and he was supposed to lie down. I cried and I was upset, and as a 2 year old, I couldn't explain my logic in getting it to his face while lying down. :( I really believe that 2 year old children can understand more than you think they can. On another note. The picture of this 'See and Say' is at least 1980s model. Our See and Say had a string with a ring on it. That string ALWAYS got stuck pulled out and then the toy was worthless.

Symbolic Meaning of 3 Black Cats
(from Symbolic-Meaning.com blog - http://www.symbolic-meanings.com/2007/10/30/symbolic-meaning-of-black-cats-three-of-them/

Unanimously, the symbolic meaning of cats is that of protection and guardianship.

Stoic, silent and mysterious, cats fit the bill of for being expert guardians of homes and people. They are also master secret keepers, and are a symbol of esoteric (hidden) knowledge.

As a Celtic animal symbol, the cat was honorably regarded as the guardian of the Otherworld, and served as a gatekeeper to the other realm of existence.

Black cats double in their mystery, and protection powers.

The number three is highly promising – it is a number that deals with creativity, new ideas, new partnerships, and new business ventures.

The fact that you have seen three black cats on your stoop is a very auspicious sign. It may mean you will be forming a new business relationship, or that you are coming into a position in which you will become more stable.

The appearance of these cats is also very promising because it tells me that you and your family are protected against energy that may thwart you from launching new ideas. You all are guarded against trivial, bothersome set-backs.

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