Monday, August 14, 2017

2017 Aug 14 - Roosters, Roosters and Chickens.....

Both of my parents grew up on the Cox Farm, on Hwy 64 between Rocky Mount and Tarboro, at a small community named Kingsboro, NC. Mom's parents and family moved to the Cox Farm in 1949 when Mom was 7 years old. Dad was born in 1939, in a small house beside the railroad tracks.

Mom and the mean rooster:
Not sure how many folks know about roosters. They are very territorial over the hens and will sometimes act aggressively toward humans. When Mom was very young, she was told by her parents to not go out around the rooster they had. He was mean and would spur you. Roosters lets have sharp spurs that could put your eye out, or slice you. Mom had to go to the outhouse, and the rooster ended up in her path. She tried to get away from him, but he chased her and jumped on her, spurring her. She was lucky she didn't lose an eye. Instead the spurs cut her on her right eyebrow. The hair never grew back.

Grandma and the aggressive rooster:

Grandma Rose and Papa had an aggressive rooster that lived on their farm on Kingsboro Rd. Evidently, the rooster made the mistake of being aggressive with Grandma Rosa on more than one occasion. On the last time she and the rooster met, she told him, "You come near me and I'll cook you for dinner". He didn't listen. Grandma had gone after a hen, but the rooster ended up making a huge bowl of chicken salad. You don't cross Grandma Rosa.

When Papa and Grandma Rosa were young, there was a full eclipse, that must have occurred mid day, like the one that is scheduled to occur on August 21st (2017). Dad said as it got dark, the chickens were running toward their roosting area. The eclipse only last a couple of hours. The chickens were so confused for the sun to come up so early. Dad thought that was comical. He cracks me up when he is laughing at these things that have happened.

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