Friday, September 30, 2011

The Water Curse continues.....

Before I left for work yesterday, I loaded towels into the washer and left it running. I like to run my washing machine and/or dishwasher late at night (bedtime) to help with peak usage (electrical) hours, so I figured if I washed the towels, I could dry them later that night.

When I opened the washer, the tub was still full of water, but it was on the rinse and spin cycle. I figured the load was imbalanced, move some things around and put the lid down. Nothing! Great! Just Great! Anyway, I did everything that I could think of to ‘fix’ the washer (without taking it apart…..cause lets not talk crazy here!!) LOL! When I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to fix it, I knew I had to remove the towels, and empty the water out of the washer manually. I took the towels out one by one and wrung them out by hand. Ok – remember I’m older and this hurt my hands after a while. Of course, by hand wringing, I couldn’t put them in the dryer because they would be too damp and heavy, so I threw them in the dryer just to store…until I could get all the towels wrung out.

I emptied out the (20 gallons) of water in the washer. Then I took the towels out of the dryer and laid them across the top of the agitator (that wasn’t agitating)….and sent Gregg a note letting him know we had issues with the washer. THIS is the replacement washer, an old heavy duty washer that we put in the washroom just two months ago because the last washer I had (for 11 years) was spewing water everywhere during the rinse cycle.

Prior to the washing machine adventure, I’d gone into the front bathroom and there in the bathtub was approximately 4 inches of water. One of the teens had taken a shower and the water didn’t run out. I didn’t have any Draino, so I grabbed the plunger and went to work. I suspect that if a plumber were to come out, he would find a glob of Band-Aids and possibly the spent heads to razors there. You see, one of the teens at my house does not bother to remove Band-Aids before getting in the tub, so I suspect they just travel down into the drain and she gets out with no afterthought or concern. She uses lots of band-aids because lately and I am pretty sure I’m accurate in my hypothesis because when I used the plunger last week on the tub…I found a Band-Aid stuck to the side of the tub. I’m hoping to get a plumbers ‘snake’ and work on this tub this weekend. Until then, Draino is my best bet…but with sticky Band-Aids…..I’m hoping a plumber’s visit isn’t in my future. If so –someone will have to cough up the dough to help pay the bill. Only way I know to teach a child to THINK about their actions and repercussions is to hit them where it hurts…..and that is the purse, the phone, the computer, and the car. Also – this is the child who throws things AT a trashcan. If they make it in the trash = Great!, If not, oh well….the maid (me) will pick them up at some point and time (ewwww). I swept up 5 used band-aids and their packaging last week, plus at least 6 Q-tips. Bathrooms are my least favorite rooms to clean. But the fact that she had staph infection made those band-aids a bio hazard.

So...more on this later.

I feel like before I can sell the house, I’m going to HAVE to replace the plumbing and probably the roof. The roof looks good and appears to be working well. I just can’t remember if it’s a 15 or 20 year roof. I hate being a grown up….I really really do!

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