Saturday, March 19, 2011

2011 Mar 19 - FREEDOM sweet FREEDOM

Seems as an adult, my child 18 year old child and I are suffering from the same issue. Both of us want previous freedom. Me - freedom from stress, worry, problems. Hers - freedom from parental care, concern, rules. Makes from a disconcerting time.

I do remember being 19 years old at my parents house. I was working full time and going to college and I couldn't understand why I couldn't do what I wanted, when I wanted. I mean, I was 19 and knew it all..... just wasn't paying for a damn thing. HA HA. So typical of that age (and now this generation). My parents had so many expectations of me even though I was barely home long enough to sleep and get a shower.

Everything comes full circle.

I finally realized that I was not an island and I had responsibilities to my family and I wasn't a free agent. Maybe I'll survive this sequel....who knows. All I can say is "Sorry Mom! From the bottom of my heart!".

I've been told that as difficult as my experiences have been so far with having a teenager, it is now going to get worse...for a while. Oh well. We all have our crosses to bear. Guess I'll dig deep and see if anything is left of my nerves and go forward. A trip to the beach is planned and my therapy will begin there. The Ocean is so soothing.

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