Sunday, February 7, 2010

2010 Feb 7 - Initial Post Here we go!

So, the first post. Starting late at night (10:30) just after watching a good Superbowl and even though the team I had hoped would win - did not. Congratulations Saints!

Hoping to use this blog to give my point of view and maybe to utilize as some sort of therapy. The madness that I see in this world I live in is enough to put even the most sound person go mad. I'm very conservative. I'm not responsible for You, Your children, Your grandchildren or your problems. I must work to put food on the table for my family. I've worked since I was 18. I sent my child to daycare and paid half my salary to that daycare, spending 40 to 60 hours a week at work dealing with crappy management - so I can now listen to the sad stories of how my tax dollars aren't enough for the unwashed masses who choose to live their lives at home WITH their children. Always wanting more, more, more. And their contribution, more unwanted unworthy unneeded children for us to take care of.

I'm feeling totally disenfranchised with politicians (as it should be). They haven't forgotten or forsaken us (middle class). We're just not important enough for them to be concerned. As long as their bread is buttered.....they will continue to do as usual. Posturing, back room deals, corrupt, nasty people.

Anyway, I don't plan to spend all my time and efforts writing about politicians. I look forward to having meaningful dialog with everyone.

Keep in real and keep in touch!

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