It hasn't been a bad weekend, I'm just having issues trying to stay interested in anything. Yesterday was gorgeous and hot. Today it's cold and rainy. I heard the rain and thunder twice during the middle of the night. Didn't realize the cat was still outside (Sorry Max). No worries though folks, we keep the garage door open so that he can get in and I'm sure he was toasty and warm (probably not completely comfy as he doesn't like noise...but then what cat does?).
I went to the farmhouse and checked on Dad, took him some lunch and have made my way back home. I was walking the dog (in the rain) and looked up into one of the huge oak trees to see where the branch that is just barely hanging on (about a foot long) was located. I didn't want to be standing under it if it decided to let loose. Just at that moment, a HUGE water droplet landed in my right eye. Kind of freaked me out, but just a bit.
We went into Dad's Motorhome which was interesting, because for some reason or another Chaos has decided that he doesn't like the motorhome. I think he doesn't like that Dad smokes (who likes that? Other than Dad? = No one). Anyway, we stayed in there for a few then went over to the den in the farmhouse to visit (since more room to move around and Dad can smoke without causing any stress for Chaos).
Dad ate the lunch I brought him (Beef-a-roni) and I ate a couple of spoonfuls of it myself. Gave Chaos some of mine and then we hung out a while longer and then came home. So now, I'm lying on my bed and catching up on the freebies sites and thinking how I need to be organizing my computer including checking accounts, etc and getting ready for another big week at work.
The weekends just fly by (and kiddies....this gets worse as you get older!) I feel like I'm always working.
The good news is the tax refund comes back sometime next week. I have two bills to pay off with it and then put some in savings. I'm going to go to Walgreens or Walmart and buy the 'MagicJack' (and I'm going to keep my same phone number). I recently changed my phone line back from one with all the bells and whistles to what is called a POTS line. This is telephony language for Plain-Old_Telephone_Service. Meaning a dial tone plus the taxes and surcharges (another name for taxes). When I go to Magic Jack, the original cost is '75.00' I think and it will plug right into the telephone system and let me use my current phone number. Then I'm going to call the phone company and tell them to turn off their land line services (POTS line) and with Magic Jack I will have all the bells and whistles again. I've actually stopped answering the phone because I didn't know who is calling me. Caller ID rocks....and I look forward to having that back. 2nd order of business is to get rid of the Internet bill. It has gone up again and it's ridiculous to pay enough to take a cruise (yearly cost) for tv. So -
I'm going to be looking for an antennae (will take it to the farmhouse when I move) and/or a tuner box that will take the place of the cable box and then we can watch free tv channels with the tuner/antenna and I can either buy Roku or use the new desktop for HULU and watch TV shows. Any of the shows I live to watch like the food channel, and HGTV...I can catch thru Roku or HULU and use the TV screen (which is really just a big screen monitor).
Then, as stated before, I'll take my current phone number and my free tv to the farmhouse with me when I move. One of my major goals going forward is to take back from the utility companies. I hope that in the future years, I'll be able to buy some solar panels to use for some of the electrical at the farmhouse.
If I could at least handle the hot water heater and the pool....that would be a winning situation.
Needless to say, I'm beginning to feel hopeful again about life. I've gathered (not on my own) too much debt and I'm starting to figure out a way to get rid of it. I'm going to be diligent and I'm going to be completely debt free within two years. And along the way, I'm going to figure out ways to make money. I'd love to be able to put in geo-thermal heat at the farmhouse.
A friend of mine does this and he gets money back by selling energy to the county. THAT would rock. We've done all we can to make things as green and energy efficient as we can. I'm tempted to take my Jennaire stove from this house with me when I leave. It has gas top and the oven is electric. I would be comfy with that...but have to have cabinets made to fit it. LOL!
So on this note, I will go for a while and see what I can get done to organize. First year in a while I'm getting anything back on taxes.....and I need it. I'll be paying off a couple of bills. ONE that I abhor the idea of paying off. Gregg went to the ER several years ago and had a catscan. My insurance company paid it, then took it back 2 years later. So - now his insurance company says no. OH IF YOU SEE KAY! Insurance companies suck and with OBAMA-SCARE it's going to get worse. I hate not being rich! I'm working on it though. This girl is going for a new job (at the same company) to get some bucks!! :)
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