I seem to have more than my fair share of 'close calls' and 'crazies' around me when driving.
I have 2 cars that are paid for and although my daughter thinks that they will have to catch on fire before I get rid of them, and buy something new..... well maybe she's right. Why not drive what you have and spend a little money each year on the maintenance instead of spending hundreds each month on a car note. I know I'll have to buy a new car someday (or new to me) but oh well..... for now, it's me the 2001 Mazda Protégé or the 2003 Buick Regal.
Recent crazy drivers....
1) In August, I was driving home one afternoon. I was on a rural country road that bypasses the small town to the south of my home. There is this really sharp curve that if you're not paying attention, you can get in trouble. I'm in the Mazda Protégé, I'm driving minding my own business and a truck is all at once in my lane coming straight at me in the curve. I have my windows down as it's summer and AC is a hassle sometimes on old vehicles. I am hitting the horn, and I'm then the truck (looked like a Ford F150) finally starts to move into his lane....in the curve.... but none the less, HERE IS HIS TRAILER ON THE BACK OF HIS TRUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF MY LANE. I start screaming...and hit the shoulder of the road. High grass is raking the bottom of the car and thankfully nothing else is. I slow down, and start to pull back over into my lane. I start cussing a blue streak that would shame any sailor...and I'm still peeved off when I'm trying to order a sub from Subway. It took everything I had that day, to NOT chase after that truck and give them a piece of my mind. Road rage is not pretty. But - I was alive, and I just kept going.
2) A week later, I'm working from home as I normally do on Fridays. I go to pick my grandchild up from daycare. I stop and get subs as shes usually hungry when I pick her up.
I am sitting behind a bus at the light. I'm going straight, and the bus driver is turning left. I notice in my rear view mirror the red head behind me who is obviously laying out someone on the phone urban style. She has long tipped manicured nails flying, head and shoulders jerking, eyes rolling....its a sight. Only thing missing was hand claps with every word (but she was holding her phone). I cant hear her but I can read lips and every word is clear. Eff this and that you effing, b...this s and that. I thought, now this is a distracted driver.
We both drive straight and before I can get my 2001 Mazda up to full speed, I notice her drift over the double yellow lines. I thought "pay attention". Cars are coming and she eases back in before the bridge over the river. The bridge is 1/2 mile from the stop light.
The next stop light is a mile away. I pull up to the light and stop as the first car. "Red" pulls up to my right beside me. I thought she was turning. As soon as the last car came thru the intersection, she ran the light, .....the light turned green after she was under it. Then she sped off. As fast as she felt she "needed" to go, I was always 3 car lengths behind her. So, I figured the "drift" over the double yellow lines was her trying to pass me, at a bridge, with oncoming traffic. Crazy!!
3) Same day as Red (#2) , After picking up my grandchild, I'm returning home and driving thru a 45 mph zone (after just leaving the town's 35 mph zone). A jeep passes me on double yellow line while traffic is heading straight for her. I had to hit the breaks to allow her entry. I know we have places to go at 5pm on Friday, but slow your role "roll" folks.
Passing on double yellow lines is a big pet peeve for me anyway..
4) In 2017, I was driving down Hwy 97 on the way home. Now the thing about Hwy 97 is, it's about 40 or 50 miles to Raleigh NC headed west. And there are maybe 10 miles on the whole dang road that doesn't have double yellow lines. It's fall and it's dark. I driving and a full sized truck pulls onto the highway (oncoming lane), drifts into my lane and half that damn truck is in my lane and I am headed for the shoulder of the road.... when all at once I see the reflectors of a bicyclist (country road) to my right. I had absolutely no where to go. I just hit the breaks. I was driving the Mazda and sometimes the horn just doesn't work well when you hit it. (Design flaw? - maybe). With me stopped, the truck realizes and pulls back into their lane before hitting me head on. I am shaking with fear and screaming (I'm not a screamer so this really freaks me out). I'm screaming stop looking at your 'effin' phone and drive dammit!! I was only 1/2 a mile from home. I pull into my neighborhood, go in my house, let the dog out, and step out on the deck. I sit in one of the chairs and I freaking LOST IT. Tears.... from that close call. My Mazda on the front grill of that full sized truck would have looked like a southern mosquito. I would have been squashed like a bug.
5) When I was in college, I dated a guy who was from Currituck County. I remember driving a big land yacht (Delta 88 8 cylinder) during college and if he was at home and I was off work, I would go to the beach. Usually he would drive me, but he was already home for the summer. I was behind slow traffic on a rural road (and it was almost all rural roads between our houses). While behind the slow traffic, I passed a truck with a boat....and it was dark....and I passed this coming into a curve. But by the grace of GOD...I didn't hit anyone or anyone hit me. It scared me half to death. I try not to think about it too much. I was blessed and GOD was looking after me, cause I was the FOOL that night. I managed to keep driving, but was shaking my head most of the trip thinking how close I came to killing myself driving full speed passing someone in a left hand blind curve.