(Transcribed from pdf document)
Information from Hugh Johnston, Wills, various interviews, wills, etc. NONE OF THIS INFORMATION CREATED BY ME.
United States Department of the Interior National park Service
National Register of Historic Places Inventory - Nomination Form
1. William Woodard House and Farm
2. William Woodard Jr., House and Farm
3. Woodard House and Farm
4. L.P. Woodard House
The Woodard Family Rural historic District consists of a cluster of houses built by the Woodard Family on land acquired by William Woodard in the 1820s and 1930s. The district is located in eastern Wilson County in the form of Toisnot Swamp an White Oak Swamp, and includes 550.54 acres. The land is gently rolling and the soil is fertile. Although most of the land is cleared and used to raise corn and tobacco there is also a large section of timbered land, particularly in the area of Buck Branch. The district is watered by a number of such small branches and several farm ponds are also located on the property.
The main houses in the district were built between 1830 and 1911 and are arranged east to west along the path of RT. 264 which links the city of Wilson in the west to Greenville (Pitt County), in the east Rt. 264 follows much the same route a the Wilson to Greenville Plank Road, completed in 1853 and an earlier stage coach route which linked Greenville , a port on the Tar River, to rural areas in which is now Wilson County.
The land included in the district was a part of William Woodard's plantation. Woodard amassed at least 1,000 acres of land in the 1830s and 1830s and it was during his ownership (ca.1823-1847) that the area reached the peak of its prosperity. The area also benefited substantially from the economic boom which occurred in the county at the turn of the century when William Woodard's grandchildren owned the property.
The architectural styles of the farmhouses in the district range from William Woodard's Federal plantation house to several mid-nineteenth century vernacular farmhouses to a residence designed in the Colonial Re-survive in the district, especially notable are those associated with the William Woodard (1) and the William Woodard Jr (2) houses. These farm buildings include pack houses, smokehouses, well shelters and tobacco barns. the Woodard Family Rural Historic District expresses the range of activities, tasks and lifestyles of one family who lived in one area for more than one hundred years.
Within the district the farmhouses and their outbuildings are the most important structures. The historical use of the land for agricultural purposes has continued in importance to date and these farmhouses and their associated buildings continue to express the character and diversity of rural life in Wilson County. three out of the four major farmhouses were built on hills in order to better survey their respective farms. the farmhouses are all of frame construction and all are sheathed in weatherboard. The interior plans vary from hall-and-parlor to central hall and no house exceeds two stories. Porches are an important adjunct of all the houses and range from the delightful sawnwork porch dating from the 1870s on the William Woodard House (1) to the Classical Revival porch on the Leonidas P. Woodard House (4) to the modest screen porch on the side elevation of the William Woodard Jr. House (2).
Most of the farm buildings in the district were built in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They are generally grouped quite close around their farmhouses and are built of frame and sheathed in weatherboard like the farmhouses themselves. The largest of the farm outbuildings is usually the packhouse, a large frame structure, one story tall, often with a loft under the gabled roof. However big the packhouse is it is usually overshadowed by a large number of tobacco barns. The tobacco barns are tall, narrow gabled roofed structures, often with a shelter built on one side. Some early log barns exist in the district, but most are frame, covered in weatherboard, asbestos or tin. Metal bulk barns are beginning to replace these tobacco barns. The farm yards lack formal arrangement, but the buildings are located with an eye to comfort and practicality. An example of this is the siting of the tobacco barns, which are filled during the hottest weather of the year. They usually stand in a grove of large shade trees that offer a natural kind of air conditioning to workers on hot days.
The farmhouses are the pivotal structures in the district and will be discussed more fully below.
According to local tradition the oldest house in the district was built for William Woodard by his brother James Bullock Woodard circa 1832 (1). The substantial three-bay two-story Federal plantation house has a one-story rear ell and a one-story gable roof addition to the front facade. Paved double-shoulder 1 to 10 common bond chimneys are located on the gable ends of the house. The chimneys are highlighted by tumbled weathering. Tall nine-over-nine windows are found on the first floor while shorter six-over-six windows are used on the second floor. Square four-light gable windows flank the chimneys and illuminate the attic space. the house, which was originally single pile, was added to both the front and rear before Williams Woodard's death circa 1847. tradition maintains that one of these additions was built to accommodate Elizabeth Woodard's herbal medicine practice. In the late nineteenth century a kitchen ell was also add3ed to the rear. The delightful swanwork porch was probably added in the 1870s.
On the interior a hall-and-parlor plan is followed. An enclosed stair rises from the rear of one of the front rooms. The interior of the house has been altered very little. Flat panel wainscot and mantels with raised panels supported by reeded pilasters are found in the main rooms. the doors and windows have molded three-part surrounds and many of the doors are of the six raised-panel variety. In the rear ell is located a typical mid-nineteenth century mantel with plain pilasters, Dorica caps, and applied diamond motifs. A built-in cupboard flanks the fireplace in this section and the cupboard appears to be of similar vintage as the mantel.
The outbuildings near the house consists of a packhouse, a barn, a crib, two smokehouses and a two-story shed. All the outbuildings are of frame construction. To the east of the main house are three simple turn-of-the-century frame tenant houses, five frame tobacco barns and an ordering pit.
The next house to be constructed on the Woodard property was a small late Greek Revival cottage, the Woodard House (3). This cottage was manufactured from two rooms removed from the Greek Revival house built by Elder William Woodard, Sr. Elder William Woodard, Sr, built his house circa 11855 and in 1911 the two rooms from the side wings were removed along with the kitchen and moved to the present site of the house.
The three-bay, one-story greek Revival cottage has a gabled roof, squat exterior and stretcher bond chimneys with queen closters and curious over-hanging enclosed gables. A one-story late nineteenth century ell with an enclosed prch is attached to the rear. The central trabeated door features octagonal panels which are repeated under the sidelights. A porch with square dcolumns with Doric caps shelters the front facade. The windows have six-over-six sashes, but appear to be replacement windows, as are the windows on the gable ends. aluminum siding obscures the original weatherboards. The interior of the house was not accessible.
At the rear of the house is a frame packhouse, two frame tobacco barns and a frame crib.
The William Woodard jr. house (2) was the next house to be built in the district. According to the family tradition this house was occupied by William Woodard Jr. (1855-1921), but it appears to date before his occupancy, circa 1850. The William Woodard jr. house is similar in form to the Woodard house. (3) discussed above; the three-bay, one-story, single-pile farmhouse has a gable roof, a one-story kitchen/dining room ell and a one-story late-nineteenth century wing on the west elevation. Originally the main block possessed two single-shoulder stepped chimneys; one of these on the west elevation has been removed, but one straight common bond chimney remains on the east elevation. The central trabeated door has four panels outlined by semicircular molding. A porch similar to that on the Woodard house 93) once extended the length of the facade, but has been removed. The addition on the west elevation has an exposed-face single-shoulder common-bond chimney and a three-sided bay window. A screen porch extends along the rear of the addition and another porch has been enclosed along the west side of the kitchen ell.
On the interior a central hall plan is followed and simple mid-nineteenth century mantels are found in the main block. These mantels have chamfered pilasters, Doric caps and a plain heavy mantel shelf. Applied geometric-pattern molding enhances the mantel in the 1870s additoin. Doors and windows, original throughout, are simply treated with the exception of the arch framing the three-sided bay in the 1870s addition. the arch is supported by small carved brackets with a trefoil motif. The breezeway which once joined the main block to the kitchen ell has been enclosed.
The farm buildings on this site show an exception range and include eight tobacco barns, a smokehouse, a large pack house, a barn, a tool room, a shed, a latticed well house and gazebo and three early twentieth century tenant houses. All the outbuildings are of frame construction. Two fo the tenatn houses are located on SR 1521 and one is south of the main house on a farm path.
Th most recent house in the district (4) is said to have been build by Elder William Woodard, Sr. (1830-1910) during the second half of the nineteenth century. The house was enlarged by his son, Leonidas P. Woodard, in 1911. According to the family tradition the original house was a modes single-story farmhouse. Under L.P. Woodard's ownership Wilson contractor C.C. Rackley was hired to raise the house to two stories, and no sign of the older, small house remains today. The present house is a substantial two-story, three-bay Colonial Revival residence. A full attic with central hipped roof dormer is also included in the house. Cross gable wings extend from both sides of the house and two large interior chimneys are symmetrically placed. A deep overhang shelters the facade, and a porch with Ionic Columns, a pedimented entry, and turned balusters wraps around both sides of the house. A porte-cochere, which has lost its original columns, extends from the east side of the porch. The central trabeated door is flanked by large one-over-one windows. The house was recently aluminum sided.
On the interior a central-hall plan is followed. An open stair rises from the front of the hall, and two rooms open off of either side. the woodwork is mainly Colonial revival in style except for two mission style heart pine, probably the product of a local mill work firm.
The outbuildings associated with this house are the least impressive of all those in the district and family tradition maintains that other farm buildings associated with this house were destroyed by Hurricane Hazel in 1954. The outbuildings consist of a barn and three storage sheds, all early twentieth century, and all built of frame.
Although taken singly no one farm complex in the district is out-standing enough to be nominated on its own, with the possible exception of the William Woodard house 91), the totality of this district makes it notable. The preservation of three generations of farmhouses, all built by the same family on the family plantation, on land which continues to be used for agricultural purposes is truly unusual. the buildings included in the district are also fine examples of Wilson County's interpretation of nationally popular styles. this district as a whole is indicative of the character of rural life in Wilson County during the periods in which it attained the greatest prosperity.
The structures in the district, of course, are closely related to the surrounding environment. Archeological remains, such as trash pits, wells, and structural remains, which may be present, can provide information valuable to the understanding and interpretation of the properties in the district. Information concerning use patterns, social standing, and mobility, as well as structural details, is often only evident in the archeological record. Therefore, archeological remains may well be an important component of the significance of the district. At this time no investigation has been done to discover these remains, but it is probable that they exist; and this should be considered in any development of the property within the district boundaries.
The william Woodard House and Farm:
1. The William Woodard House (ca. 1832)
A two-story, late federal style house with a gable roof and a one-story rear ell and a one-room gable-roof addition to the front facade. Exterior end, paved, double shoulder, common bond chimneys on the main block. a one-story sawnwork porch dating from the 1870s shelters two bays of the front facade. large nine-over-nine windows are found on the first floor with six-over-six windows on the second floor. A hall-and-parlor plan is followed with an enclosed staircase rising from the front of the house.
a. Packhouse (ca.1870) One story frame packhouse set on tall brick piers near the road. gable roof, sis-over-six windows. green asbestos siding.
b. Barn (ca. 1900) Large one story frame barn with equipment shelters on both sides. Loft under gable roof. May once have been a stable.
c. Crib (ca. 1900) Small one-story frame crib with gable roof. Green asbestos siding.
d. Smokehouse (ca.1900) One story frame smokehouse with weatherboard siding. Tin roof.
3. Shed (ca. 1930) Two story frame shed with gable roof. Weatherboarded. Farm equipment shelter built onto one side. May have originally been built as a packhouse.
William Woodard Jr. House and Farm
2. William Woodard Jr. house (ca. 1850)
A one-story gable-roof farmhouse with one surviving exterior end chimney. Rear ell and one-room wing (dating ca. 1870) projecting from the west elevation near the front of the house. Three-bay facade with a trabeated door; central hall plan. Set in a grove of pecan trees and oriented toward RT. 264.
a. Eight frame tobacco barns (ca. 1900), some with metal or asbestos siding and some with weatherboards. Tin roofs.
b. Smokehouse (ca. 1900) One-story frame smokehouse with gable roof and weathreboarded exterior.
c. Packohouse (ca. 1900) Large one story frame packhouse with loft and equipment shelters on both ends. Painted white.
d. Barn (ca. 1900) One-story frame barn.
e. Tool Room (ca. ?) One-story frame tool shed similar to smokehouse, above.
f. Shed (ca. ?) One-story frame shed, weather boarded.
g. Tenant House (ca. 1900) One-story frame tenant house, gable roof, L-plan located on SR 1521.
h. Tenant House (ca. 1920) One-story frame tenant house on farm path.
i. Tenant House (ca. 1920) One-story frame tenant house on farm path.
Woodard House and Farm
3. Woodard House (ca. 1855)
A on-story frame house with a shallow gable roof and squat exterior end chimneys. Rear ell dating ca. 1900. Curious closed projecting gables. Front porch shelters a three bay facade and front door is trabeated.
a. Packhouse (ca. 1900) One-story frame packhouse with asbestos siding; farm shelter of logs on south elevation. Tin roof, loft area.
c. Crib (ca 1900) One-story frame crib with tin roof next to packhouse.
L.P. Woodard House (ca. 1855; remodeled 1911)
Two-story frame Colonial Revival house with a hipped slate roof, interior chimneys, and a central dormer. Cross gable wings project from the side elevations. The three bay facade is sheltered on the first floor by a wraparound porch with Ionic columns. The front door is trabeated. A matching porte-cochere extends from the eastern elevation. Central hall plan.
a. Barn (ca. 1890) One-story frame barn sheathed in weatherboard.
b. Three Storage Sheds (ca. 1950) One-story frame sheds sheathed in weatherboard.
There are a total of 29 contributing nineteenth and early twentieth century dwellings and associated farm outbuildings in this nomination.
Statement of significance
The Woodard family Rural Historic District is located in the eastern section of Wilson County, which until 1855 was a part of Edgecombe County and had the largest and most productive plantations in the region. The district is in an area of many small farms, resulting from the division of land which has been in the Woodard family since William Woodard, a prosperous farmer acquired it in 1823. The district, which encompasses 550.4 acres, is principally comprised of four farmhouses and their attendant outbuildings, all of which were built by members of the Woodard family. The farmhouses range in style from a.c. 1832 Federal plantation to a substantial colonial Revival residence remodeled in 1911 from a modest late nineteenth century swelling. Elder William Woodard, William Woodard, Jrl, and Leonidas P. Woodard, all descendants of William Woodard, were were wealthy landholders by virtue of their inheritance and respected members of the community. the historical use of the land in the district for agricultural purposes has continued to date; and the farmhouses and their associated outbuildings continue to express the range of activities, tastes, and lifestyles of one family who lived in the area for over one hundred years.
Criteria Assessment
(A) Associated with the agricultural prosperity in the eastern part of present Wilson County during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Woodard Family Rural Historic District is indicative of the character and diversity of rural life in the area.
(B) Associated with several prominent members of the Woodard family, including William Woodard, a prosperous farmer; Elder William Woodard, a Baptist preacher; William Woodard, Jr., A businessman and a deacon of the Primitive Baptist Church in Wilson; and Leonidas P. Woodard, a businessman who operated various enterprises in the vicinity of the district.
(C) The Woodard Family Rural Historic District is principally comprised of four farmhouses ranging in style from a.c. 1832 Federal plantation to a substantial 1911 Colonial revival residence and also includes several mid-nineteenth century vernacular farmhouses. these structures, along with their associated outbuildings, are fine examples of Wilson County's interpretation of nationally popular styles and represent an unusual survival of three generations of farmhouses built by the same family on land which continues in agricultural use.
William Woodard came from a landed family. He was the son of David Woodard, a planter of Edgecombe County. The elder Woodard died in 1798 leaving three children, James, William and Sarah. According to his will his sons were to divide his land on the north side of Bear Branch, consisting of 347-1/2 acres. William Woodard was born in 1795 and his father's early death, when he was only three, profoundly affected his upbringing. According to family tradition the two boys, James and William were taught a trade. James was apprenticed to a builder and William to a blacksmith. David Woodard's land was not divided until 1814. It is not known whether William Woodard continued to follow his trade as a blacksmith as a young man, but eventually he became known as one of the most properous farmers in the area. When he purchased 800 acres from James B. Tartt in 1823 he was already a wealthy man, able to pay the enormous sum of $3,200 for the land which became the core of this holdings, It is possible that Woodard sold the land he had acquired from his father's estate to purchase the Tartt land, for there is no indication that he maintained an interest in the family lands.
William Woodard married Elizabeth Simms who came from a prominent agricultural family in the neighborhood of Black Creek in the southern section of the county. Woodard, according to family tradition, built his handsome plantation house on the former Tart property in 1832. His brother, James Bullock Woodard, is said to have been the builder. William Woodard continned to prosper, and in 1833, he purchased an additional 655 1/4 acres from James Tartt, Sr., and five years later, in 1838, James Tartt sold Woodard 212 acres east of Toisnot Swamp.
In 1845 Woodard went on a visit to the state of Texas from which he never returned. Woodard was considered dead by 1847, and his widow Elizabeth Woodard, continued to occupy the plantation. Elizabeth Simms Woodard practiced herbal medicine and family tradition asserts that one of the rooms added to the original house was reserved for her use. After her husband's departeure and before his death was known she purchased 1,186 acres from Elnathan Tartt, attorney for James Tartt of Sumter Country, Alabama. This land was later divided among her children. William Woodard's estate, consisting of 2, 451 acres, was divided between his children patience, William, Warren, James, S. and Calvin Woodard in 1852. of this 2,451 acres 550.5 acres are included in the proposed district.
Elizabeth Woodard was listed as head of household in the 1850 census. According to the census she was aged forty-six and owned real property valued at $2,400. Included in her household wer her sons Warren 9age twenty-four), Calvin (age twenty-two), William (age nineteen), and James (age seventeen), all farmers, her daughter Patience (age fifteen) and her daughters-in-law Winifred (wife of Calvin), Delphy (wife of William) and two grand-children mary (age 10 months0 and francis (no age given). Elizabeth Woodard is listed as owning 1,000 acres of improved land and 1,500 acres of unimproved land. the cash value of the farm is given as $24,000 and although the farm included a wide variety of live-stock, hogs topped the list, numbering 500. The major crops were those that could be used on the farm itself. No cotton was grown, but the farm did produce 200 pounds of wool from its 80 sheep. Indian corn and sweet potatoes were raised in large quantities while smaller quantities of wheat, rye and Irish potatoes were also grown. 800 bushels of peas and beans were produced and 18 tons of hay. Sixty-seven slaves lived on the plantation.
Of Woodard's children his four sons, William, Warren, James, S. and Calvin, became prominent farmers and community leaders. William Woodard and his wife had been supporters of the Toisnot (Primitive) Baptist Church (later the Wilson primitive Baptist church). William Woodard became a member of this, the county's oldest and most influential church, on November 26,1831 and his wife donated money for the new church built circa 1853. Thus it was only natural that Woodard's children would be associated with the church. Two of his sons, James Simms Woodard and William Woodard became Baptist preachers in addition to their other duties. Patience Woodard married Moses Farmer and lived on the five hundred acres west of the district which she received from her father's estates. No house associated with this property has survived. warrent Woodard acquired land in Stantonsburg township upon which he lived and James Simms Woodard moved to Wilson. Elder William Woodard and his brother Calvin were the only two sons to remain on the property that they received from their father's estate. Calvin Woodard's house is still standing east of the district, but some distance from it on the south side of Rt. 264. William Woodard built his own house on the south side of Rt. 264 just east of his father's plantation house. This house is discussed below.
William Woodard's son, William, most often referred to as Elder William Woodard or William Woodard, Sr, was born on November 6, 1830. In 1849 he married Delphia Rountree and some time thereafter he built a modest vernacular farmhouse on the south side of Rt. 264 94). William Woodard Sr, had inherited 450 acres of his father's prime agricultural land in the partition of 1852 and by 1853 the Wilson to Greenville Plank Road, which follows much the same route as the present Rt 264, was completed. Although a road had existed for a time joining Wilson and Greenville, the closest port on the Tar River, the quality of the road left much to be desired and the Plank Road briefly increased the usage of the route and the volume of goods transported to Greenville. William Woodard, Sr., was received into the fellowship of the Toisnot Baptist Church in may 1870 , and was ordained a deacon the following September. He was liberated to preach in 1872 and ordained the following year by Elder P.D. Gold of Wilson. He served for years as the pastor of Aycock's Church and Healthy Plains Church and was a highly respected member of the community.
Elder Woodard succeeded in increasing the holdings left to him by his father and at his death he owned more than 848 acres. According to the 1860 census Woodard owned real property valued at $16,000 and personal property valued at $24, 200. His holdings in that year included 705 acres of improved land, nineteen salves and six slaves houses. his major crops were Indian corn (4,000 bushels), cotton (2137 400-lb bales) and potatoes (600 bushels of Irish and sweet potatoes) He also produced some rice, an unusual crop in Wilson County, and thirty tons of hay. Although Woodard maintained an adequate number of work animals to cultivate the farm and to produce dairy products for his household, he also raised hogs. in 1860, his swine numbered 200, and the value of the animals he slaughtered was set at 1,000. Woodard, like his father reared a family of prominent children. His daughter, Varina married Governor Chales B. Aycock, known in North Carolina for his standardization and upgrading of schools all over the state. After Varina's death, her sister Cora, married Aycock and raised her sister's children. When Elder Woodard died in 1910 he owned the Charles B. Aycock house in Goldsboro, which he bequeathed to his grandchildren. His children William Woodard, Jr., Leonidas P. Woodard and Cora L. Aycock inherited his land. William Woodard, Jr., inherited 287 acres on the south side of the Plank Road, including the William Woodard, Jr. House and the farm (2).
William Woodard, Jr., was born on December 12, 1855 and was educated at one of Wilson's most prestigious private schools, the Wilson Collegiate Institute, by Elder Sylvester Hassell, a respected and innovative educator. Woodard displayed a real aptitude for business, even as a young an and he later became president of Woodard Brothers, wholesale grocers, and the Welfare Welfare Automobile Co. On December 12, 1877 he married Mary Ann Uzzell of Wayne County. Woodard was a deacon of the Primitive Baptist Church and chairman of the building committee for the present Wilson primitive Church, built in 1920. Woodard died in 1921 in Wilson at his home on West Nash Street.
Woodard maintained ownership of the land that he had received from his father's estate and even added to it. The farm property was sold by his heirs after his death.
Although the William Woodard, Jr. House appears to pre-date William Woodard. Jr.'s occupancy it is unclear who actually built the vernacular house. The front of the house, a single-pile central hall plan cottage, appears to date circa 1850. A wing was added to the western elevation in the 1870s and it seems likely that when William Woodard, Jr., married Mary Ann Uzzell in 1877 he house was given to Woodard by his father. The house and farm have passed through several owners since Woodard's death and are presently owned by S.T. Wooten and the house is occupied by Wooten's farm manager.
Leonidas Polk Woodard not only inherited his father's home place but also his household furniture, stock, crops, farming, implements, and his interest in a steam mill on Buck Branch. L.P. Woodard was born on March 6, 1864 and in 1893 he married Minnie B. Applewhite of Moyton in the Stantonsburg Methodist Church. In 1892 Elder William Woodard sold his son a fifty-one acre tract adjoining the family farm on Buck Branch, but Leonidas and later his wife and children continued to live in the family homeplace with his father and his second wife, "Aunt" Ellen Woodall.
Leonidas P. Woodard inherited 325 acres of his father's land including his father's house on the south side of the Plank road (4). According to a documentary photograph taken circa 1906 the house was a one-story three-bay Greek Revival cottage with a shallow hipped roof and one-room wings with exterior end chimneys on the side elevations.
After the death of Elder Woodard, Leonidas hired Wilson contractor C.C. Rackley to remodel and enlarge his father's house. In 1911 the two one-room wings and kitchen were removed from
Middle Class working mom who has had her share of jolts and bumps over the past 6 - 10 years. Questioning everything from politics to love to healthy lifestyles. North Carolina is my home.....sarcasm is my 2nd language, and stress appears to be my 'state of mind' at any given time.
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Monday, June 26, 2017
Edgecombe County NC - Varnell Family - (Papa) Oscar Bolden Varnell
Oscar Bolden Varnell - 1890 - 1959
Macclesfield, North Carolina, USA
Papa was born August 1890 to parents Joseph and Elizabeth "Betsy" Batts Varnell in a small farmhouse off Hwy 124 West, Macclesfield, NC.
Betsy Batts was the daughter of CSA Col. William Woodard Batts and wife Margaret Peele Woodard Batts.
An unfortunate death during tobacco season:
When Oscar was 14 (1904), his Uncle Bolen (Bolin, Bolden) Varnell was killed by Bolens son-in-law Joe Hines Phillips Sr. Seems Joe and Bolen were arguing about who would be able to use the tobacco barns in the back yard of the Joseph Phillips and Mary Ann Victoria Varnell Homeplace) family home ( Webb Lake Rd a half mile south of Hwy 124 Macclesfield, NC). Joe picked up a cart round (something like a peg that was placed in a trailer of tobacco that would hold the tobacco in the trailer), and smacked Bolen in the head,laying him out. This was a dedinite case of self defense, as Joe Phillips had been attacked by Bolin before, and this day, he ran at Joe Phillips with a piece of wood, meaning to do damage. It was stated it was just before lunch time and Bolen was looking forward to lunch as they were having his favorite fresh field peas as part of the meal. Also heard that Bolen was left unattended outside while waiting for the Doctor. Doctor came in while the rest of the family was eating lunch (dinner as country folk called it) and when asked if Bolen was ok... Doctor said "OK?" "He's dead" "Split his skull open". Joe was not jailed. I've yet to find out anything in the Edgecombe County records about it.
Now, back to Papa who was 14 at the time. When Oscar found out his Uncle had been killed by Joe Phillips; he went home and got a stool and climbed on it to get the shot gun above the door. Betsy Batts Varnell, his mother, kept kicking the stool out from him; so he couldn't get to the shot gun. This was repeated several times until she made him understand that killing Joe was not the right thing to do. Note: Joe Phillips was never the same after this. He didn't mean to kill his father in law. Alice Tanner (Joe Phillips Grand daughter) stated that Joe walked slow the rest of his life, always looking down, always looking sad.
Papa told his son Paul aka "Goodboy" Varnell , that a year or so later, he was hunting and Joe Phillips crossed his path. Papa had him in his rifle sight, but never pulled the trigger. He thought about it though.
1910 - Papa married his childhood sweetheart when they were both 20. They lived in a small farmhouse just down the road (going toward Macclesfield on Hwy 124, on the left just past the William Varnell farmhouse (Papas Grandfather). It was here that Papa got spooked one night. Something startled him and Miss Ida (Rosa was my Grandmother) went to the back of the house and used a yard broom and was scraping against the house at the bedroom where Papa was standing. He thought he'd heard a ghost. She laughed at Papa and he said "You shouldn't scare me like that". Evidently Miss Ida was a mischievous soul. :)
Miss Ida died a year after her youngest son was born with something called 'Milk Arm'. My Cousin calls it "Milk Arm Cancer". That's what old folks called it. Google knows nothing about i.
Rosa Annie Webb married Papa when Carl was 2 years old and Leroy Varnell was 14. Soon Papa was having children and grandchildren at the same time. There are a couple of the '1st family' Grandchildren who are actually older than Papa's "2nd Family' children Dad aka Goodboy and Clayton aka "Mooch".
1910 - Children of Oscar Bolden and Ida Corbett Varnell
*Leroy Varnell (1912) md Margaret Walston
*Mamie"Sister" Varnell (1914) md Julius Wooten Sr
*Margaret "Betsy" Varnell (1916) md Cooper Griffin
*Woodrow Varnell md Eunice Clark Webb
*Ida "Blanch" Varnell md Edgar Ray Rose
*Oscar "Carl" Varnell md Nanny Gray Webb
Rosa Annie Webb Varnell (Oscar Bolden Varnell)
1925 - Oscar md Rosa Annie Webb (b 1905) September 1925. Their family:
*Robert Perry Varnell (1926) md Ursula R (from Germany WWII)
*Allen Barber "Doc" Varnell (b 1928) never married.
*Joseph Clyde "Joe Clyde" (1930) md Alice "Peajack" Johnson
Nellie Gray "Nell" Varnell (1933) md David Hagans
*Clayton Thomas "Mooch" (1937) md Rebell "Skip" Puckett (divorced), md Sarah Susan Vick
*Sidney Paul Varnell (1939) md Nellie "Faye" Wiggins - (my Dad)
Places he lived:
1) Born in small house off Hwy 124 across road from William Varnell house.
2) Lived at Joseph Varnell House, down path (path starts at end of Webb Lake Road, Macclesfield NC). Graveyard is still at this location.
3) Lived with Ida Corbett at small house on Hwy 124 diagnoally (toward Macclesfield, before Webb Lake Rd) from william Varnell House.
4) Lived at Corbett Farm Rd. Nell and Mooch born there.
5) Lived at Bergum Farm (now Macripine Rd) near Pinetops.
6) Lived at Kingsboro - Cox Farm/Penelo or Joe Bourne Farm. Uncle William Fountain and Ella Varnell lived in a small house behind them. There was an electrical cord that ran from their house to the small house out back to provide one light (in the living room ceiling) for them.
7) Lived at Little Easonburg (street near Greystone subdivision)
8) Lived at Entryway of Candlewood subdivision on Hwy 64 before Little Easonburg. Papa died here.
Papa was born August 1890 to parents Joseph and Elizabeth "Betsy" Batts Varnell in a small farmhouse off Hwy 124 West, Macclesfield, NC.
Betsy Batts was the daughter of CSA Col. William Woodard Batts and wife Margaret Peele Woodard Batts.
An unfortunate death during tobacco season:
When Oscar was 14 (1904), his Uncle Bolen (Bolin, Bolden) Varnell was killed by Bolens son-in-law Joe Hines Phillips Sr. Seems Joe and Bolen were arguing about who would be able to use the tobacco barns in the back yard of the Joseph Phillips and Mary Ann Victoria Varnell Homeplace) family home ( Webb Lake Rd a half mile south of Hwy 124 Macclesfield, NC). Joe picked up a cart round (something like a peg that was placed in a trailer of tobacco that would hold the tobacco in the trailer), and smacked Bolen in the head,laying him out. This was a dedinite case of self defense, as Joe Phillips had been attacked by Bolin before, and this day, he ran at Joe Phillips with a piece of wood, meaning to do damage. It was stated it was just before lunch time and Bolen was looking forward to lunch as they were having his favorite fresh field peas as part of the meal. Also heard that Bolen was left unattended outside while waiting for the Doctor. Doctor came in while the rest of the family was eating lunch (dinner as country folk called it) and when asked if Bolen was ok... Doctor said "OK?" "He's dead" "Split his skull open". Joe was not jailed. I've yet to find out anything in the Edgecombe County records about it.
Now, back to Papa who was 14 at the time. When Oscar found out his Uncle had been killed by Joe Phillips; he went home and got a stool and climbed on it to get the shot gun above the door. Betsy Batts Varnell, his mother, kept kicking the stool out from him; so he couldn't get to the shot gun. This was repeated several times until she made him understand that killing Joe was not the right thing to do. Note: Joe Phillips was never the same after this. He didn't mean to kill his father in law. Alice Tanner (Joe Phillips Grand daughter) stated that Joe walked slow the rest of his life, always looking down, always looking sad.
Papa told his son Paul aka "Goodboy" Varnell , that a year or so later, he was hunting and Joe Phillips crossed his path. Papa had him in his rifle sight, but never pulled the trigger. He thought about it though.
1910 - Papa married his childhood sweetheart when they were both 20. They lived in a small farmhouse just down the road (going toward Macclesfield on Hwy 124, on the left just past the William Varnell farmhouse (Papas Grandfather). It was here that Papa got spooked one night. Something startled him and Miss Ida (Rosa was my Grandmother) went to the back of the house and used a yard broom and was scraping against the house at the bedroom where Papa was standing. He thought he'd heard a ghost. She laughed at Papa and he said "You shouldn't scare me like that". Evidently Miss Ida was a mischievous soul. :)
Miss Ida died a year after her youngest son was born with something called 'Milk Arm'. My Cousin calls it "Milk Arm Cancer". That's what old folks called it. Google knows nothing about i.
Rosa Annie Webb married Papa when Carl was 2 years old and Leroy Varnell was 14. Soon Papa was having children and grandchildren at the same time. There are a couple of the '1st family' Grandchildren who are actually older than Papa's "2nd Family' children Dad aka Goodboy and Clayton aka "Mooch".
1910 - Children of Oscar Bolden and Ida Corbett Varnell
*Leroy Varnell (1912) md Margaret Walston
*Mamie"Sister" Varnell (1914) md Julius Wooten Sr
*Margaret "Betsy" Varnell (1916) md Cooper Griffin
*Woodrow Varnell md Eunice Clark Webb
*Ida "Blanch" Varnell md Edgar Ray Rose
*Oscar "Carl" Varnell md Nanny Gray Webb
Rosa Annie Webb Varnell (Oscar Bolden Varnell)
1925 - Oscar md Rosa Annie Webb (b 1905) September 1925. Their family:
*Robert Perry Varnell (1926) md Ursula R (from Germany WWII)
*Allen Barber "Doc" Varnell (b 1928) never married.
*Joseph Clyde "Joe Clyde" (1930) md Alice "Peajack" Johnson
Nellie Gray "Nell" Varnell (1933) md David Hagans
*Clayton Thomas "Mooch" (1937) md Rebell "Skip" Puckett (divorced), md Sarah Susan Vick
*Sidney Paul Varnell (1939) md Nellie "Faye" Wiggins - (my Dad)
Places he lived:
1) Born in small house off Hwy 124 across road from William Varnell house.
2) Lived at Joseph Varnell House, down path (path starts at end of Webb Lake Road, Macclesfield NC). Graveyard is still at this location.
3) Lived with Ida Corbett at small house on Hwy 124 diagnoally (toward Macclesfield, before Webb Lake Rd) from william Varnell House.
4) Lived at Corbett Farm Rd. Nell and Mooch born there.
5) Lived at Bergum Farm (now Macripine Rd) near Pinetops.
6) Lived at Kingsboro - Cox Farm/Penelo or Joe Bourne Farm. Uncle William Fountain and Ella Varnell lived in a small house behind them. There was an electrical cord that ran from their house to the small house out back to provide one light (in the living room ceiling) for them.
7) Lived at Little Easonburg (street near Greystone subdivision)
8) Lived at Entryway of Candlewood subdivision on Hwy 64 before Little Easonburg. Papa died here.
Bergum Farm:
In 1937, Oscar lived on the farm that is currently where Maccripine Country Club (Maccripine Rd)is (current day is 2017). Dad's brother 'Clayton Thomas Varnell" aka Mooch was born at that farmhouse / Bergum (family) farm January 10, 1937. Dad is the baby, born December 22, 1939. Papa used to walk down the path to the Webb Farm (Ronald Webb farm in 2000, my Uncle CD Webb was born at that farm). Evidently, he was spotted one day on that path, on his knees, swatting....yes swatting a copperhead snake. Papa was drunk and never remembered it. I can't imagine being so drunk you could swat a copperhead with your bare hands.
Abt 1938 - Papa got angry with Uncle Jim Varnell (James Varnell - son of William and Sallie Barnes Varnell) one day, arguing over who would use the mules that day during farming (Macclesfield, NC). Papa moved his family to Kingsboro, NC, the (CSA) Gen. Cox Farm on Hwy 64 between Rocky Mount and Tarboro, NC. Dad was born in a small house beside the railroad tracks on December 22, 1939 on that farm. Also called the Joe Bourne farm.
1942 - Oscar holding a stick of his tobacco crop. Little boy beside him is Clayton "Mooch" Varnell - 3 years old.
Poison sumac:
Papa was told by his father, Joseph Varnell not to touch a specific plant, poison sumac. Evidently, he was stubborn (go figure), and went out and rolled in it, out of anger. He had quite the case of poison sumac rash on his body. Evidently, it was bad enough to trigger shingles in him which he suffered with for the rest of his life.
In 1937, Oscar lived on the farm that is currently where Maccripine Country Club (Maccripine Rd)is (current day is 2017). Dad's brother 'Clayton Thomas Varnell" aka Mooch was born at that farmhouse / Bergum (family) farm January 10, 1937. Dad is the baby, born December 22, 1939. Papa used to walk down the path to the Webb Farm (Ronald Webb farm in 2000, my Uncle CD Webb was born at that farm). Evidently, he was spotted one day on that path, on his knees, swatting....yes swatting a copperhead snake. Papa was drunk and never remembered it. I can't imagine being so drunk you could swat a copperhead with your bare hands.
Abt 1938 - Papa got angry with Uncle Jim Varnell (James Varnell - son of William and Sallie Barnes Varnell) one day, arguing over who would use the mules that day during farming (Macclesfield, NC). Papa moved his family to Kingsboro, NC, the (CSA) Gen. Cox Farm on Hwy 64 between Rocky Mount and Tarboro, NC. Dad was born in a small house beside the railroad tracks on December 22, 1939 on that farm. Also called the Joe Bourne farm.
1942 - Oscar holding a stick of his tobacco crop. Little boy beside him is Clayton "Mooch" Varnell - 3 years old.
Poison sumac:
Papa was told by his father, Joseph Varnell not to touch a specific plant, poison sumac. Evidently, he was stubborn (go figure), and went out and rolled in it, out of anger. He had quite the case of poison sumac rash on his body. Evidently, it was bad enough to trigger shingles in him which he suffered with for the rest of his life.
Country Air Conditioning:
The only air conditioning in their house at Kingsboro (Cox or Penelo Farm) was open windows and doors at night. Yes - this was before they had to lock doors. He had his own small metal fan (without a cage around it) that sat on his bedside table. Dad remembers hearing him cuss as he would reach over to move the fan closer, and hit the fan edges. It's a wonder he didn't butcher his fingers on those fan petals.
The doors and windows remained open, and it was not unusual for the boys to go out and their friends end up asleep in the bed (several to a bed), it asleep (passed out) on the front porch. This house was right beside the RR track, where Dad was born. Currently (2023) KanBan Factory is located there.
Making and storing moonshine:
Papa would make moonshine occassionally. Dad was about 5 or 6 and papa sat up all night making moonshine with Docs help. Put it in nice glass jars and hid it under the front of the porch. Then went to sleep. Dad was outside playing and the sun was shining just right to show all those bottles of moonshine shining. Dad woke up Doc and the 2 of them moved the moonshine further under the porch. Lol
Making and storing moonshine:
Papa would make moonshine occassionally. Dad was about 5 or 6 and papa sat up all night making moonshine with Docs help. Put it in nice glass jars and hid it under the front of the porch. Then went to sleep. Dad was outside playing and the sun was shining just right to show all those bottles of moonshine shining. Dad woke up Doc and the 2 of them moved the moonshine further under the porch. Lol
Taking the long way home:
Papa had gone out one day and he had walked ro Tarboro, NC using the railroad tracks. It was late when he came back and dark. He actually walked past the stop he wanted, and realized it when he heard people arguing at a home nearby. They heard him walk past. He walked down a mile or so, turned around and snuck back by so not to be noticed.
The still is discovered:
Papa would hide his still in the old barn across the railroad tracks. One day 2 boys from Fountain prison in Rocky Mount had run away, and they made it to Kingsboro where they hid and were found in the old barn. Police found the still and of course no one claimed it as theirs. It was confiscated and destroyed. Papa was....disappointed. lol
Cooling it at Little Easonburg:
Cooling it at Little Easonburg:
Papa loved to sit outside on the back porch when they lived at Easonburg in his underwear on hot nights. They lived in an area that was isolated and I'm sure no one could see him.
Inappropriate joke?
abt 1940 - Papa would ask my Dad (Sidney Paul Varnell) the youngest of 15 children (12 survived birth) "Who were you before you were my boy?". Dad was 3 or 4 or so and would reply "I was your little squirt". This caused Papa to laugh out loud. He was always asking Dad that.
"Don't touch me"
Oscar (and most Varnell's I know) could have a serious temper at times.
Oscar did not hug people. He would say "I can barely stand for a woman to touch me, you know I don't want a man to touch me, even shaking hands".
"Don't touch my hat"
Oscar hated for anything to touch his hat while on his head. Even walking under a tree branch, if it touched his head could cause him to grab the hat and throw it to the ground.
The love of Pepsi
Papa drank water all the time. He didn't drink soft drinks or tea much. Later in life, he was given Pepsi and decided he loved Pepsi. Before he died, he was nearly blind, and crippled from the diabetes. He would sit at home with Rosa and watch tv, see a Pepsi commercial and say very slowly.... "I sure would like me a Pepsi". Grandma would tell him "Well if you promise to sit right here and not get up, I'll walk to the crossroads (1/4 mile away) and get you 6". She would walk down to the country store, and purchase him some Pepsi's. Oscar would sit there and patiently wait.
Navigating at home
Dad stated that Papa could barely walk before he died. He would get up and put his hands on Rosa's shoulders and walk behind her.
Oscar Bolden Varnell 1890 - 1959
Oscar died August 1959, just a few days before his 69th birthday. He is laid to rest beside his 1st wife Ida Corbett Varnell, mother of 9 of his children/7 survived birth (Nettie was child #6 and she died at 3 months old); at the James Varnell graveyard (was William Varnell Graveyard - born 1824) on Hwy 124 West beside the creek and 1/8 mile to the William Varnell family home built in 1879. Daughter Nettie is between Ida and Oscar.
Rosa Varnell was laid to rest in 1988, mother of 6 of Oscar's children, beside her son Joe Clyde Varnell (died 1987), 2 rows behind and other side of the row at the same graveyard. Her son Doc Varnell was buried on the other side of her in 2008.
Scots Irish:
Inappropriate joke?
abt 1940 - Papa would ask my Dad (Sidney Paul Varnell) the youngest of 15 children (12 survived birth) "Who were you before you were my boy?". Dad was 3 or 4 or so and would reply "I was your little squirt". This caused Papa to laugh out loud. He was always asking Dad that.
"Don't touch me"
Oscar (and most Varnell's I know) could have a serious temper at times.
Oscar did not hug people. He would say "I can barely stand for a woman to touch me, you know I don't want a man to touch me, even shaking hands".
"Don't touch my hat"
Oscar hated for anything to touch his hat while on his head. Even walking under a tree branch, if it touched his head could cause him to grab the hat and throw it to the ground.
The love of Pepsi
Papa drank water all the time. He didn't drink soft drinks or tea much. Later in life, he was given Pepsi and decided he loved Pepsi. Before he died, he was nearly blind, and crippled from the diabetes. He would sit at home with Rosa and watch tv, see a Pepsi commercial and say very slowly.... "I sure would like me a Pepsi". Grandma would tell him "Well if you promise to sit right here and not get up, I'll walk to the crossroads (1/4 mile away) and get you 6". She would walk down to the country store, and purchase him some Pepsi's. Oscar would sit there and patiently wait.
Navigating at home
Dad stated that Papa could barely walk before he died. He would get up and put his hands on Rosa's shoulders and walk behind her.
Oscar Bolden Varnell 1890 - 1959
Oscar died August 1959, just a few days before his 69th birthday. He is laid to rest beside his 1st wife Ida Corbett Varnell, mother of 9 of his children/7 survived birth (Nettie was child #6 and she died at 3 months old); at the James Varnell graveyard (was William Varnell Graveyard - born 1824) on Hwy 124 West beside the creek and 1/8 mile to the William Varnell family home built in 1879. Daughter Nettie is between Ida and Oscar.
Rosa Varnell was laid to rest in 1988, mother of 6 of Oscar's children, beside her son Joe Clyde Varnell (died 1987), 2 rows behind and other side of the row at the same graveyard. Her son Doc Varnell was buried on the other side of her in 2008.
Scots Irish:
Papa used to tell Dad rhat we were Scots Irish, or feom scot Ireland. I've completed an ancestry DNA kit and my DNA is all UK and a little Northern Europe. Irish, Welsh, Scottish and surprise Swedish. Swedish on Dads side only. From tying the family tree to DNA, shows locations shere family lived in Europe. Our Scottish relatives most likely migrated to Ulster Scotland and worked plantations there, then, migrated ro US from there.
Papa and Wooten boys:
Papa once lived across from the Wooten family. His faughter Mamie married a Wooten. Papa couldn't stand living near them. They wanted to date his daughters and when he said no (too young), they would sugar his gas tank or do other mischief. Years later he was talking with Mamies husband Julius where Papa told him to his face that he didn't like the Wootens, He liked (Julius Wooten) YOU, and even YOU are a son of a b1tch! Awkward.
Mom and Dad (Faye and Goodboy) married March on 1959. They were home visiting from Norfolk Va, drove up to house on Sunset Ave Rocky Mount (Hwy 64), where Candlewood entrance is now...and all the family was there. Papa had passed away. Mom and Dad had visited her family first in Warsaw, so they didn't know. Dad was 19.
Mamie Varnell - remembering her Dad.
When Dads (Paul Goodboy Varnell) sister Mamie "Sister" Varnell Wooten was in the rest home on Green Street Macclesfield, Dad leaned over to tell her good ye after a nice visit.... she reached up, touched his face and said You sure do look like MY daddy. You can tell she loved Papa, their daddy. And yes, Dad looked like Oscar.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
2017 Jun 19 - Mowing the grass - Here comes the rain
I'd been to visit Dad at the farmhouse. Sometimes I do that on weekend afternoons. I'd told Dad I needed to get home early enough to mow.. I left and I drive the 30 minutes home and I get on the last few miles of the trip and there above my neighborhood (and the river to the west) is dark black clouds. Not stormy lightning, but obviously "Its going to rain soon clouds".
I saw my neighbor after parking the car. I told him looks like I missed the opportunity to mow. He said "You still have time". Probably get it done. I begged him to let me know if he heard thunder as I can't hear that over the mower motor. He promised he would.
I ran inside and changed clothes and then outside to mow. Chaos is out there with me and I run as fast as I can to mow the grass. I finish the back yard and get to the gate. I open the gate, finesse keeping Chaos inside the back gate, and go out into the front yard. Steven had already mowed the side lot near his side lot. Here comes the rain. I mow the front yard sans the ditch bank (Steven had mowed that too) in the rain. I'm pretty much soaked by the time I finish. I get back to the back yard and park the lawn power under the lean-to. Steve is back outside on his deck. He says "You almost made it". I say "Yeah, but it's done".
I'm in so much of a hurry to finish the lawn in the rain, that before I had ignored Chaos running back and forth in the yard as he doesn't like rain. He could have gotten under the lean-to but instead he just ran the fence. I apologize to him and we run inside the house. I go to take a shower. He rubs himself all over the sofa to get dry. SIGH.
I'll be glad when I can get my debts paid off so I can get someone to mow my lawn. I'll be glad to get this house sold so I have no lawn to really worry about. We have someone mow at the farmhouse.
I saw my neighbor after parking the car. I told him looks like I missed the opportunity to mow. He said "You still have time". Probably get it done. I begged him to let me know if he heard thunder as I can't hear that over the mower motor. He promised he would.
I ran inside and changed clothes and then outside to mow. Chaos is out there with me and I run as fast as I can to mow the grass. I finish the back yard and get to the gate. I open the gate, finesse keeping Chaos inside the back gate, and go out into the front yard. Steven had already mowed the side lot near his side lot. Here comes the rain. I mow the front yard sans the ditch bank (Steven had mowed that too) in the rain. I'm pretty much soaked by the time I finish. I get back to the back yard and park the lawn power under the lean-to. Steve is back outside on his deck. He says "You almost made it". I say "Yeah, but it's done".
I'm in so much of a hurry to finish the lawn in the rain, that before I had ignored Chaos running back and forth in the yard as he doesn't like rain. He could have gotten under the lean-to but instead he just ran the fence. I apologize to him and we run inside the house. I go to take a shower. He rubs himself all over the sofa to get dry. SIGH.
I'll be glad when I can get my debts paid off so I can get someone to mow my lawn. I'll be glad to get this house sold so I have no lawn to really worry about. We have someone mow at the farmhouse.
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